#Argentina, #Culture Patience, Grasshopper (Argentina - Part 5) Buenos Aires was like going back in time, or, perhaps into someone's future. April 15, 2023 Share
#Peru, #Sights The Emperor's New Groove (Cusco) There are few things as pleasing to an eye as an Incan wall. June 19, 2022 Share
#Egypt, #Featured A Valley of Death (Luxor) They put so much effort into preparing for death. I hope they put equally as much effort into living. Seems a bit silly to spend so much money, t June 15, 2022 1 Share
#Egypt, #Middle East For the Love of Temples (Luxor) Soon it was time to say goodbye to Elephantine Island . I actually didn't want to leave the island so soon, but the detriment of planning ahea June 13, 2022 Share
#Egypt, #Middle East A Magic Carpet Ride (Abu Simbel) Modern magic carpets are of course… airplanes. Far less romantic, but they get the job done. I added an extra stop to Abu Simbel between my fligh June 11, 2022 Share
#Culture, #Egypt A Rendezvous With the Pyramids I exit the airport into the warm, foggy, dusty environment of Cairo. Outside the airport is pandemonium. I notice the ratio of men to women is ju June 09, 2022 Share